Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Losing your best friend!! :(

Theres one thing in life that no one wants to go through and thats losing your best friend. Everyone thinks, that won't happen to me, it can't happen to me. Well this past year I lost one of my best friend to the US Marines! Sept 8th 2009 she left to go to boot camp for three months! The whole time she was in Paris Island for bootcamp I couldn't talk to her or see her, all I could to was write her. I did write her but it seemed like it took for ever to get a letter back. My favorite letter that she sent me was on my birthday. when I opened the the letter it was a birthday card and on the back of the card it said "I tried to time this for your birthday. I hope you receive it on your birthday! Love, Manda". The funny thing was, I did get it on my birthday! Once December came around I was so exicted for her to come home. Her platoon was the only one of the females that got the option to stay home for the holidays. For the whole month of December we spent everyday together. After December was over, she left to go to California for a year and a half. I miss her so much! I can't wait for the summer, maybe I can go to California and visit her!

1 comment:

  1. i sort of know how you feel. im getting close to a guy who i know he is stationed in germany right now, he will be back in may for two weeks but then he is leaving for afghanistan in june
